Summer Bucket List - Link up Party!

One of my new blogging friends Kiki is having a linkup party! You can check out her blog here...

This months link up topic is summer bucket lists. So here's mine. :)

Hillary's Summer Bucket List...

1) Go to the Beach - I haven't been to the beach in probably at least five years. So I think its about time to get myself there. 

2) Make a new friend - I have recently relocated to a new town near Grad school and have had to leave my friends behind. So this summer I would like to make a new friend here.

3) Send Letters - I miss my distant friends and I love to write them letters. This summer I hope to send them each at least one awesome letter.

4) Lend my time - I would have said volunteer, but I'm not sure i'll do that. So I'll keep it real and say lend my time. This summer I want to lend my time to someone or something of good cause. 

5) Cease the Day - Sometimes being here in my school housing, it is easy to waste the day away doing meaningless things like watching television. This summer I want to get away from the television and my computer and spend my time doing other things that involve enjoying the outdoors. 

Welp, there it is. My summer bucket list for 2013. to check out what other people are marking off their lists, click on "the circle" and join the link up party! :D


  1. I love the goal of lending time. That is SUCH a great one and one I want to do now, too! Thanks for linking up, Hillary! :)

  2. Thanks for linking up with us girl! So many of us want to hit the beach this summer! Love this list!

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping to do that soon. Possibly event this week!

  3. I love your list!!! Isn't summer just the best?? :-)
