
Today was a pretty good day, but today I let my insecurities get to me. Then I read this verse and it brought me back.

“Love is patient and kind, not envious, selfish, or arrogant. Love doesn’t keep records when people let us down or do us wrong. Love forgives. Love is happy for others’ successes. Love is very optimistic. Love bears all things; it believes in others and what they can be, thus putting up with a lot. Love hopes for the best in others. True love never gives up; it just keeps on keeping on; it means a commitment to love a person whether they love us or not. " - Corinthians

It reminded me of how much God loves me and got the focus off of myself. By this I mean it made me remember that the people I love are human, and love keeps no records of wrongs and commits to love a person whether they love me or not. I just want to encourage you to focus on that point when you are feeling insecure because once we're focused on self, it's a slippery slope to disaster. Yet when our eyes are on the Lord these silly things are of no concern because it's not about me, it's about HIM.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Hillary, I hope you know how much we do love you and that you are not insecure in that.
