Day Three

So I think I'm finally getting the hang of this. Today I had a good time playing with the kids in the sand box. We made tunnels and connected them, the kids had a blast. I also learned how to play 14 square! yeah you know 4 square except 14!!! it's intense. Then we road the bus to the high school and ate lunch. On the way back to the park we piled like 78 kids and like 10 staff on the bus.  If you were wondering, yes, we did get to experience the domino effect. The bus stopped abruptly and all of the sudden I was where Emily use to be standing. Silly me thinking right before we left that I would be able to stand just fine after practicing public transportation in Italy, well I was wrong. The only thing I still need to figure out is how they are scheduling me to work then I'll be set.

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