Recreation Day One

So I've officially decided that I love little kids. Today we played in the sand box and I was making a castle with a little girl, that actually looked more like a mountain and I asked her what she wanted to put in it. She proceeded to make spots for our rooms and said "we should put a lion". I asked her where it was going to go and she told me, "in your room". I laughed and asked "what if he gets hungry?" to which she responded, "Then he'll eat all your stuff".  Kids really do say the darnest things. :P We also did a lot of other things like run through the sprinkler, make arts and crafts, play duck duck goose, and tag.

Minus a couple of behavioral issues today was a pretty good first day. Then I got home...

After I picked my mom up from work and attempted to take a nap three times I got sick. This = dumb things not to do again include,
1. eat a cheese sandwich that melted in the car
2. stay out in the sun all day and drink no liquids

Needless to say I learned my lesson the hard way.

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