Love Lov Luv

Better Read That One Again

This devotion shares a great message. Back at school now and getting in routine has been a little strange. But I'm glad to be back in a place where God is overflowing. This years theme verse is "Therefore I urge you brothers in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God this is your spiritual act of worship Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may be able to test and approve what God's will is His good pleasing and perfect will" Romans 12:1-2 I really like this verse because it is a perfect followup for last years theme to Love God Love People. A part of learning to love is learning to surrender our whole lives to God so that we can be transformed for His glory. When God comes in and transforms our lives it is shown by the love that we show others. Not just the love that we give those who love us but also the love that we show to those who despise us.

This week our chapel services have been all about God's Love. Sometimes it is much easier to give love than to receive it, especially when we know we are sinners undeserving of it. But this week the fact that GOD LOVES ME! is setting in. There is nothing I can do to make him stop loving me nor is there anything that I can do to make Him love me more. GOD LOVES EACH OF US WITH HIS WHOLE BEING! And all he asks, all he gives, in an opportunity for us to love Him back. Therefore we choose how much God we have, we are in the chair of that decision. I hope that you will choose to love Him back.

Once we are in Christ, the enemy tries to make us believe that we are condemned, but God says THEREFORE THERE IS NOW NO CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS FOR THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE SET ME FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. - Romans 8:1-2

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