To "The End"

Welcome to "The End" of my senior year in college. As I approach the 2 week point until graduation, I am still very much busy with school responsibilities. This is a time when I would really like to push the pause button on the world of responsibilities and push play on time with friends. I am looking forward to graduation don't get me wrong, but I am still very attached to these people and this place that when I think about it I am more sad than anything. I don't like endings, especially ones that mean leaving friends in a place that is at least 300 miles from where I will be. So as I prepare for the inevitable graduation day, a bittersweet celebration, I prepare myself for the ending of what has been an amazing adventure. An adventure filled with Styrofoam swards, princesses and all. As difficult as it is for me to leave this place, these people, I am prepared for the next adventure whatever it may bring. And in all things, as a dear friend once told me, I will remember that the "Lord [my] God will be with [me] wherever [I] go" Joshua 1:9

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