A Ray of Sunshine

This week is spring break and it has been so good to be home. Although, as the weather gets warmer and I frown at the need to return to school in a few days I realize how short my time is. In a few weeks I will no longer be a college student. My late nights spent doing homework are coming to a close and while this is a wonderful thing, I will miss school. I will miss all the nights I stayed up too late with my friends. The 12am trips to Walmart, Applebees, Stake and Shake, Mcdonalds, Maggie Moos, Tim Hortons, Coldestone... And of coarse all of those crazy campus events like lip sync and arbor games. But most of all I morn the loss of living in our community of love and support. When I can wake friends up at unruly hours because I don't feel well or need someone to talk to. It will be hard to say goodbye to the four years I spent building friendships but at least I know when I leave the relationships continue. If I gain nothing from my college education and take one thing when I go, it is the love and support of the people I bring with me. So thank you dear friends for your support, you mean a lot to me <3

1 comment:

  1. aww. shoot! I love you girl! I couldn't ask for for a more amazing women of God to call my best friend! :) You truly amaze me! Always remember that no matter where you go, God's always there, no matter what! :) Even though you we are done with college, God has big plans for our future.
