In Retrospect

Today I spent a little bit of time browsing through some of the posts that I've written in the past. Looking back, I can't believe the amazing things that God has done. How he moved my heart and changed it. How he used my struggles and my strengths to touch your hearts. Its unfathomable to me how a God so great would call me His own. Unfathomable that he would love on me, and use the very last threads of his patience to wait for me to be receptive to him. Yet, as unfathomable as it seems to me, God does. He has an everlasting love, a love that embraces hearts, and a kindness that calls our hearts to him. Tonight don't forget that you have a God who LOVES you, who went to the depths for you, who while you were yet a sinner, died for you! Because he loves you. Because he WANTED to give you the opportunity to share in His love, and in every blessing he ever created. YES! We have a God like that.


  1. I love this and you are so right!! I do the same thing sometimes. God is truly amazing, he cares for the smallest details of life, yet He is so powerful! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Emerald! It's so encouraging to get feedback on posts. Thanks for that. :)
