Earthquakes and Tsunamies

This morning my heart broke for Japan. I went down stairs to eat my toast in the lobby and happened to turn on the news. To my surprise I discovered that the world was dealing with pretty big issues. Japan had been hit by a massive 8.9 earthquake and then 10min later a Tsunami. As I watched the footage of cars being carried away by the water I thought of all of the people who were likely inside. I prayed for Japan today and I encourage you all to do the same. It's going to be a long road to recovery for that country and I have a feeling that today could bring more trouble for them and their nuclear plant. As I watched the story unfold I learned that Hawaii and the west coast of the United States would also be affected by the waves. I prayed for them also that the Lord would calm the storm. Pray that the Lord will bring good out of this tragedy and keep Japan in your prayers.

Nuclear Plant Japan

Earthquake and Tsunami Aftermath

P. S. Cool God thing...

I was watching the news on all of this tonight and a reverend talked about God and why bad things happen on national television - it was so cool.

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