Falling Leaves

This past weekend was the spiritual life retreat. It was so wonderful for me to get off campus to a place where I didn't have to keep track of time or worry about getting things done. It really helped to realize that in my normal routine I need to sit back take a deep breathe and do one thing at a time. Sometimes I think professors forget that we don't have superhuman powers to read 200 pages of textbooks in a day or two.
Anyways at SLR we talked about being one with Christ. That once we make that commitment to Him we are one. Although we do not always act as one, we are still one. Then next thing we talked about was Lazarus. How Jesus raised him from the dead and he came fourth. Then the disciples were told to go and take off his grave clothes which after four days of being dead smelled horrendous. Relating this to committed relationships, the question arises "Am I willing to help the people around me take off their stinking grave clothes?" Will I get deep down inside my friend and rebuke them of their stinking sins and help them to reach freedom in Christ. On the other hand, "Am I need of friends to help me with my grave clothes?" Will I trust someone enough to help me get out of bondage and overcome sin? Will I risk being let down for the sake of Christ?

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